What exactly is a "Trader Sirkle"?A Trader Sirkle simply refers to an investment plan with any of our Certified Traders. Sirkle World handles all payments and deposits, Infact Our Traders do not have direct access to funds. They only trade with allocated funds using our Sirkle Live Trader™ or any of our other Accepted Trading Platforms that is setup for them to trader with. They but only earn commissions from the trades, just like us and we in turn pay Sirkle Investors their daily pay according to the Trader Sirkle. |
What do you mean by "Join a Sirkle" ?Joining a Sirkle simply means investing in a Trader Sirkle. This requires funding your Sirkle account, then going through our Trader Sirkles to know which Sirkle best fits your budget. |
Are Traders in charge of funds ?We talked about this earlier... Our Traders do not have direct access to funds. They only trade with allocated funds using our Sirkle Live Trader™ or any of our other Accepted Trading Platforms that is setup for them to trader with. |
What do you really mean by having an insurance bond ?This simply means that all your deposits are covered. In a case whereby we have too many losses on trades, Our insurance bond is in place to have your capital refunded to you. This is just a requirement for us to be permitted to operate. Sirkle World has unique, experienced Traders and Strategies. |
Is there a limit to Sirkles I can join ?There is no limit to the number of Trader Sirkles you can Join. We simply advise you consult your financial adviser if you feel the need to ask someone. |
My currency is not listed, can I select any currency ?Sirkle world has no country or regional restrictions. The few currencies listed are just for display purposes in your dashboard. Any user is free to use any currency of choice as long as you have means of funding and withdrawing in that currency. |
Do you have an official mobile app for Sirkle World ?Sorry, not yet. However our official mobile apps are in the works and will be released as soon as it is completed. |